Sentexs Rapids Server is a service based network appliance
that allows us to support our customers' internetworked connectivity
with a flexible hardware and software solution. Each solution
is tailored to the needs of the client and is an excellent complement
to their existing or proposed Sentex connectivity. The Rapids Server
is service base, rather than a hardware or software purchase.
Our service contract permits us to support, maintain, and
monitor the appliance throughout the term of service.
The Rapids Server can be setup to perform the following functions:
The Rapids Server does not require additional software
subscriptions or training fees. Sentex will continuously
upgrade the provided software as new versions or updates become
available. We will customize the Rapids Server to meet your
exact present and future needs. Our strategy is to provide
cost effective data communications at a reasonable price while
helping our customers take advantage of proven technology.
The successful deployment of these appliances underscores Sentexs
competence and capabilities as a complete data communications
solutions provider.