Windows XP
Go to the Start button. Choose Programs, Accessories,
Communications, New Connection Wizard. 'Welcome to
the New Connection Wizard' appears. Hit Next.
- Network Connection Type. What do you want to do? Select "Connect
to the Internet". Hit Next.
- Getting Ready. How do you want to connect to the Internet? Select
"Setup my connection manually". Hit Next.
- Internet Connection. How do you want to connect to the Internet?
Select "Connect using a dial-up modem". Hit Next.
- Connection Name. What is the name of the service that provides
your Internet connection? Type "Sentex" in the box provided.
In the box provided for your ISP's phone number, type the local
Sentex phone number for your area.
- Internet Account Information. You will need an account name
and password to sign into your Internet account. In the space
provided beside "User Name" you want to type your Sentex
account name or user name. For example, your user name would be
" if your email address at Sentex was "
Type the password in the "Password" box and again in
the "Confirm Password" box. Make sure you have all the
boxes below checked if this is going to be the only account on
this profile or computer. Hit Next.
- Hit Finish.
To sign on to Sentex try double-clicking on the Internet Explorer
(Browser) or Outlook Express (Email Program) on your desktop. The
Connect-To window should pop up. Hit the Connect button and the
modem should dial.